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Stay-cations. Spending money and time at a resort/hotel in your city or close to it instead of going "out-of town" so to speak, for vacation. Do you do it? Why or why not?

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lerlo 8 Sep 6

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I've forgotten about the value of short getaways. Thanks for reminding me. It still sucks to do everything alone.


Heck... I usually didn't even do a stay-cation until this year. For years I have been handing most of my vacation time back to my employer as unused. I get 6 weeks vacation per year now. I haven't been on a true vacation in about 6-7 years... But then my life is just a working vacation and I love the serenity of where I live, so I am very lucky!


We have no resorts or hotels. i stay in my own house and drink a lot. I should add that I travelled for over two years all over Europe and North Africa, hitchhiking and by freighters. In the 70s when it was still relatively safe. I have gone off hotels, resorts, and big cities since then.


I'm packing for one this weekend. It's refreshing. I won't even stay over two nights: we'll leave tomorrow morning and get back Sunday evening, and yet it will feel like we've escaped all the obligations of everyday life. Sure, I could visit a town square here, we have a plethora of fine dining, and a lot of live theatre, too ... but I'd probably be doing drudgery like balancing my credit card statement in between trips to do these things locally. Instead, at the hotel, we'll play games and socialize. Or nap.

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