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This is just crazy I have to share it. My cousins husband posted last week that the preacher got bit handling a rattlesnake in church, he refused medical attention so of course he died. Then asked isn't anybody coming to church ? This week heres a picture of one of the snakes.
That's just beyond stupid. Has anybody ever seen a church like this

Jameson 7 Mar 19

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I can imagine the preacher gets to heaven and asks God why did you let the poison kill me? God would say I sent you an ambulance you fucking idiot.


The sad irony is that this is based on a "prophesy" at the end of the Gospel of Mark that says that those who are true believers in Jesus will, among other things, "take up snakes, and will not be harmed". And this passage is widely agreed, even by fundamentalist theologians, to be a "pious fraud" that was appended long after the original manuscript was written, and is not really a valid part of the New Testament. It was absent from ALL the earliest manuscripts we now have access to. It was not cited by early church fathers. It is total hogwash, even by evangelical standards (and thats saying a LOT!).

So the stupid burns, it burns us, even more than you might think!


It is really sad actually. When preachers die in these cases I have not heard of one account of anyone leaving the church or questioning their belief. One would think with just one instance of it happening the entire movement would disappear. He obviously had so much faith in nothing that it killed him.


never went to one but they are all over northeastern Alabama

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