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When a woman leaves...

MissKathleen 9 Sep 9

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bobwjr Level 10 Sep 10, 2019

Funny how men can't accept that! If having nobody is better than a somebody, there was obviously a problem somewhere, and hints along the way which weren't heeded. Learn what that problem was and do better next time!

The lives of men are different than the lives of women - the expectations placed upon us, the options available to us, the indoctrination. It isn't because we're malicious or stupid that we don't often exercise the same choices as women.


That's why my wife left. Nothing I can do about it.


In my opinion we shouldn't go back, for any reason. It never works. The breakup leaves scars... Things are definitely not the same. One partner is more willing than the other, while the other just can't love again. When people separate it's because something's wrong, and most of the time it's the fear of loneliness who motivates people to get back together.

You said, "MOST of the time..." Close enough for horseshoes, I guess."
I was left once because I took up smoking again; she left me for a college professor.
The second time I wasn't rich enough, and didn't want to get married and have children; she left me for an engineer.
Both times I almost died (figuratively speaking)!
The third time it was for another woman! That one didn't bother me. Much.
No happy reunions. Life goes on.

@Storm1752 are you talking about the same woman leaving you 3 times ?

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