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I have two friends, deep happiness and social acceptance. They hate each other.

SeekersNeverFind 5 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, I get it 🙂

But if you really feel this way, perhaps social acceptance has been leading you on?

It's been my experience that the fewer traditional ("acceptable" ) boundaries I let constrain me, the happier I am. Follow your bliss, @SeekersNeverFind.


Is there a question in that..? Always trying to relate ..I feel good about not having friends that hate.

Varn Level 8 Sep 11, 2019

What Anne said!


What? Why? In 71 years, I have found that the happier I am, the more people want to be around me, and I am happy they are! And indeed, the nuttier I am, the more fun we all get out of life!

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