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My 10 yr old son: Dad, who's our leader?
Me: uh...well, what do you mean?
Him: who leads us? We need a good leader.
Me: yes, we do. Well, our country has presidents to lead us, but right now we don't have a very good one.
Him: so who's leading us?
Me: uh...we are, i guess
Him: does God lead us?
Me(internally): Noooooooooo!
Me(out loud): which one?
confused silence
Me again: ive never seen him, so i don't think he would be a very good leader
Him: well, we need somebody to lead us!
Me: why can't we lead ourselves?
Him: i don't have any weapons
Me: huh?
Him: aquaman would be a good leader.
Me: yeah, you're right.

The king is dead, long live Aquaman!

Nakedterror 6 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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