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This is an extraordinary admission by a Christian minister.


Rob1948 7 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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It is quite nice to see many of the Facebook comments of approval by theists, which gives the impression he is reaching many with his honesty on this topic.

palex Level 6 Sep 16, 2019

Wow. That was refreshing!

If you follow that logic to it's conclusion, your recognize that belief is irrelevant. It's a good start towards freeing oneself from religion!


You cannot believe anything posted on Facebook...

How not true.


the comments sections certainly reinforces the fact believers will always put faith in prayer despite evidence to the contrary


He should hold gatherings as large as music festivals and let the flocks he preached to, know this. Be noisy about it, put it out there!!! but seems he's a fence sitter right now! He still strongly uses the term god and feel that subtle prayers offers empathy. Let the truth set them free! Don't sugar coat it.

He’s not sitting on the fence. He pretty outspoken in his disdain for Trump and the evangelicals that support him.


I also read the link to his further talk on it; it basically said that all 'god' can answer is emotional prayers. Yet, he also didn't mention the vain repetition that xians use.


Think about it. Prayer is just a form of begging. Why would the all knowing, all powerful creator of the Universe require begging to help someone in need. Human beings really suck at this creating Gods thing.

Throughout history, humans have prayed to the deities to intercede on their behalf.

@Rob1948 True, but they created everyone of these deities and they are all dicks. Maybe out of the 33 million Hindu Gods, a few of them are nice.

@Rob1948 nothing fails like prayer eh?

@Redheadedgammy I always thought prayer was useless if there was a true all knowing being. I just makes them feel good I guess.

None of them are nice, because they don't exist. The images of dieties were created by man (which you rightfully say were created by dicks) to lead people astray whilst collecting money from them, even from the very poor that cannot afford but who "need the blessings" which they believe will make their lives better to free them from poverty, "bad luck" and illness.

@Sticks48, @Rob1948
Like going to the catholic minister, confessing your sins to him, while he hides behind a black veil (even though you know his face) and expecting the sinful to take your sins to god? and the most intelligent are still dragged into this nonsense untold times.

@TimeOutForMe I was being sarcastic. 🙂 You were Hindu, how do they keep track of 33 million Gods? I googled it because I know they have a lot, but that is really over the top.

@TimeOutForMe How intelligent are they? 🙂

and that already should spell out to human beings, this all-knowing god thing does not exist!

they cannot prosper as a nation because this $#!? holds them back no matter how intelligent they are.
I would say to them, keep your culture, just quit the BS!!!

@TimeOutForMe True.

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