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‪and women still vote for him!‬

Charliesey 7 Sep 14

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I'm a women and there are members of my sex that are alien to me. How any woman could look at him and think that's the best she could do does give me cause for pause.

  1. They look at his wallet . Who the f was Melania ? A random boob flashing at internet . No substance . No education . No class . Just ass . $$$ is what she was after .
    My father told me this long x ago , maybe 30 yrs , and he was right : in life , everyone gets what he aims for . Not a lira more , not a lira less .
    She aimed for money . That's exactly what she got .

@Pralina1 I love it!! " No substance . No education . No class . Just ass ." I'll have to remember that line! 🙂


‘god’ promoting, gun toting, obedient, poorly educated angry racist women - Made In The USA ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 15, 2019

I ll take " glorious absence of education and sophistication for 600 Alex "


"Ignorance and superstition ever bear a close and mathematical relation to each other." , James Fenimore Cooper.
Religious people only care about the abortion issue, the anti-immigration issue, which pres. Dumbass supports.


Is anyone surprised? Just wait for the kompromat (likely pee video) and still nobody will care.


TRUMPolini was so shocked how popular he became in the first few months of 2015 polls he actually said : " I could kill somebody and still win this thing"


What a horrible douche bag yet brainwashed people love him

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 15, 2019
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