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I used to beat myself up because I couldn't stand to listen to other people's chewing . . . especially when eating crunchy foods like chips or apples. Recently I found out that there's actually a name for this tendency, and it's called misophonia. Here's Wikipedia's definition: "Misophonia is characterized by selective sensitivity to specific sounds accompanied by emotional distress, and even anger, as well as behavioral responses such as avoidance."

I believe my misophonia had its genesis in my early childhood,hearing my father---whom I hated--- nosily consuming his dinner each evening. I also had an older cousin who'd evidently never been admonished for chewing with his mouth open, and he, too, disgusted me. My misphonia is so intense, that if I'm in a movie theater and someone near me is munching popcorn (especially if they're chewing in a rhythm like "crunch, crunch, crunch" --pause-- "crunch, crunch, crunch" --pause, etc.), I have to move to another seat! 🙂

Any other misophonics out there?

Rob48 7 Sep 15

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i have a slight case of misophobia--can't stand to hear ppl slurping miso soup.


I have a Pinterest Pin that expresses this condition perfectly:


Yep--I'll move with you! I have trouble with knuckle-cracking, too. I had two step-daughters who both chew with open mouths, smacking, slurping and sucking their fingers. You can imagine how THAT went! I would plan my seat so I was as far away from them as possible.

@Winkiedink54 I live with someone who does it in his sleep! It's a testament to my good manners, it see? He's still alive!


I’m not but my wife is. She gets quite distressed about ‘scrunching’

Like you I suspect it’s roots are down to anxiety about her abusive father.


I have had to leave rooms due to noisy eating and/or gum chewing. Crunching itself won't necessarily bother me; it is the smacking and/or heavy breathing while eating/chewing gum that grates on my nerves.

Oh fuck, gum chewers. They make me think reincarnation is real and they were cows in thier previous lifes.

I had a co-worker who would eat Corn Nuts...they sound like a person is eating rocks. It would send me to a dark place in my head and I'd have to leave my desk It is mostly just the really crunchy and the slurpy kinds of sounds that drive me crazy. At least the condition has a name and I can find some comfort in knowing I'm not alone in this sensitivity.


Can't stand listening to people chew. Not as much as you, it seems, but man is it ever annoying.

1of5 Level 8 Sep 15, 2019

And talking with a mouthful of they didn't have parents who scolded them at ALL. And now I can't be the one to do it because the person is an adult and I'd just sound like an a-hole.

@mojo5501 yup

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