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Our country good or bad???


of-the-mountain 9 Sep 16

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A broad definition of good and bad would be a help to discernment

Maybe if you read the article you could actually descern the message of what was written!

@of-the-mountain I’ve read the article and the content is not encouraging, but this is an administration issue. The article is quite emotive and so we know the bias from the outset.

My question refers to the use of ‘country’ in the post. I am not American so it is not really my place to make comment on the country without some guideline as to what your definitions are.

The administration is not the best that is for sure, but country? A bit too broad to judge a country on one issue.

Why would you expect any thing good coming out of a country who would let a president who with the Obstructionist Republican Party are hell bent on destroying everything we as the people of the United States have earn legally for the last 242 years!

It is not good as an issue, the wealthy and their corporations have regained the upper hand over the people, they will now squeeze the people of this country until our enslavement is complete!

By destroying any competition by way of legal voting, using, unethical, immoral rules, regulations, and laws to suppress any legal opposition to their Obstructionist Fascist slow moving a Coup d'Tat to permanently destroy any and all legally granted protections and safeguards the people of the United States have earned!!!

@of-the-mountain That’s fine to comment upon but those issues are not the subject of the article.


Yes in reality they are, some are just to lame to see the whole view!

Vaping and the opioid use both pushed by and almost unregulated until people were dropping dead, while these companies made $$$ billions selling unsafe products at huge over the top profits!

@of-the-mountain I agree on that point

That is my point it has too many facets too ignore!

They are center to all the above!

None of it was by accident or manifest destiny!

It was always contrived by the wealthy and their corporations!


Bad but not terrible, although we are certainly leaning toward terrible at this particular time. We have done some good things, but we have never been a good country.

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