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My daughter was scared of this doll (i think shes seen a preview of the new Maleficent movie) and had me remove it from her doll collection. After I took it out of the room, we had a conversation about it. I told her Maleficent says shes sorry for scaring you and she feels bad. My daughter (the 5 year old) responded: shes sorry to me?

Yes, she didnt mean to scare you. She was born that way

Oh...i guess maybe she can come back...a different night maybe?

So now this evil sexy woman is watching me eat ice cream with cinnamon toast crunch sprinkled on top at 1:00 am.

Im not scared.
She aint judgin'

Nakedterror 6 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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bobwjr Level 10 Sep 23, 2019

Reminds me of Ava Gardener or perhaps a brunett-ier Ida Lupino.....

Wow, I didn't see that until you said it and now that's all I see!


Excellent likeness of Angelina Jolie. She said her kids got scared when she was dressed like Maleficent so not unusual.

Lips too thin!

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