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More evidence of Dems election rigging- would be funny if it weren't so slimey. []

jniece 6 Sep 19

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Its politics..
In canada (even though we don't have anything like your primaries) same shit happens here.


The crucial bit is this:

'“Staying out of primaries sounds small-D democratic, very intellectual, and very interesting,” said Hoyer. “But if you stay out of primaries, and somebody wins in the primary who can’t possibly win in the general,” the Maryland representative said, citing the surprise victory of Democrat Doug Jones over Republican Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate election, “I’m not saying you’re that person.” But staying out of primaries, he argued, is “not very smart strategy.”'

And he's right. It's not "slimey", it's how politics works. The national parties have a strategy to win elections. They put their bets on what look like the best horses. That's politics.

I completely disagree. The money is spent on candidate that benefits the oligarchs most. They in fact buy candidates of both parties so they are not going to lose no matter what party wins. It is slimy because it undermines democracy for everyone other than them. Politics "works" this way today because we legalized bribery and changed it's name to lobbying. and a supreme court ruling that corporations are people and money is speech. Orwellian is what that is. "first they hijack the words, then they hijack their meanings"

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