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In my country of residence (India), a court of law requires the witnesses and the accused to take an oath by placing their hand on the holy book of the religion they follow after which they promise to speak the truth. Anything said thereafter is considered admissible as the truth unless proven otherwise in the court of law. I have not come across a case yet as to what happens when the witness / accused is a non-believer. Is this specific to the law here or other countries also have something of the sort?

As a non-believer what are your thoughts on this?

DSGavde 6 Sep 21

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The problem is you who has fair expectations. Expecting them to be even a human is incorrect in that hell. I grew up there and ran as fast as I could. I have only one advice to my friends who live there. Take your daughters and run. Don't expect anything to get better. They claim to worship 330 million Gods but have created a living hell for selves.

Imagine being raised here where the majority is nationalist and / or religious. Every day is a sign to get out. I can't even get started on how difficult commute is with the population outburst. But being a citizen of this country by itself takes away majority options of seeking gainful employment elsewhere despite being a professional student. Thanks to the previous generation of immigrants who misused the migration laws making it an ordeal to move away from here for every following generation.


Excuses are available only to those who want them. Excuses are not forced. Those are choices.

I lived there, grew up as an ultra conservative Brahmin with every caste and religion privilege you can imagine to have in India. But I decided to break out. If I had not, I would be working in a post office un my village. If there is a will, there is a way, not fate, not luck, not help, not chance. Nobody has you in shackles like the slaves were at one time, does anyone? Enterprising and determined people are doing it all around the world and getting their family out too. The United States 300 years ago was built by people like that and people are doing it even today.

@St-Sinner I'm assuming you aren't up to date with how stringent work visa sponsorship has become. Countries have been limiting jobs for non-locals to shortages in workforce and niche professional qualifications. Student visas are an effective method however require enough capital to sponsor oneself or shoulder a debt. As per my understanding USA was built with people from various professional backgrounds most of which are not open to considering non-locals lately. The shackles exist, they're just not physical anymore. If determination and will is all it took, then locals marrying for money in exchange of spouse visa wouldn't have been lucrative enough to exist. I am not belittling your efforts or achievements just pointing out that it might not yield the same fruitful results as of today.

The U.S. is not the only good country outside India. There are even better societies in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and others. I have friends, acquaintances doing it ever year even now. Again if you want to, you can break out. If you want somebody holding a hand out for you, it is not going to happen. There are a thousand excuses for those who want them. I reccomend stop complaining, and begin working on changing your life, not changing the society.


In the UK you can simply swear to tell the truth without the need for a magical tome.
In India would probably ask for a copy of the Crimson Chronicles, the Necronomicon or the Libre Vermis if they could find one (good luck with that)

I'd say asking for those books instead would be considered sufficient grounds for prosecution without trial.


In the USA, one can place his hand on a copy of the US Constitution.

is it not the Bible upon which swear... Truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God?

One can affirm...and leave out the God reference@St-Sinner

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