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Moscow mitch must be stopped

bobwjr 10 Sep 24

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Come on Kentucky!


Was born and raised there, and I've seen how the politics have changed over the years.

No one, not even a legacy spawn of a famous sire, is going to win a national seat from Kentucky without an R next to their name. The Republican party mostly hates Mitch, too. He may be the most hated person in the state (with his only competitor being Gov. Bevin).

But his party never puts up any serious challengers, and people sigh and make the excuse of voting for him because "well at least a Kentuckian is majority leader."

It's not whether he'll be re-elected, it's how soon will he die?

Sad but true


Now you’re talkin

Keep in mind … for we lucky suckers not living in Kentucky.. We must elect Democrats for the US Senate! Without ‘his majority of ugly R’s,’ that piece of shit will go extinct ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 24, 2019
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