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A supposed short story about a Nun from a convent close to where I live.
Her Name was sister Bernadette and she dies in the late 1960s at the grand old age of 92.
a woman of small stature and petite build she had been a Nun since the age of 15 always faithful to her calling.
The local people held a collection for a head stone for her grave and after much discussion it was decided that an appropriate epitaph for the stone of the bride of Christ would be

Beloved Sister Bernadette
Lord she was always thine.

The stone mason was duly set to work and on the day of the funeral the Gathered mourners looked on to see the stone had been engraved:

Beloved Sister Bernadette
Lord, she was always thin.

The Mother superior confronted the stone mason and pointed out
"You stupid man, you left off the E, do you understand? The Eeeee!"

Abashed the man set to work and returned the same evening to assure the mother superior the stone had been fixed.
The next day the Holy mother visited the grave to find it marked

Beloved Sister Bernadette
Eeeee Lord, she was always thin.

LenHazell53 9 Sep 25

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