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So for those of you who recommended Plenty of Fish, I made a profile. Got lots of lame 1 to 3 word messages, then I got this gem. When they call you fat that means you get to level up, right? 😂😂

Remi 7 Sep 30

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His bad grammar was enough to turn me off..oy vey.
I'm on POF, and what I find funny is the men who send messages berating me. I think of them as 13 year old boys who think being mean will merit a response.


Since pof has the most available FREE services, it is also going to be where all the kooks, weirdos, and crazies hang out, not to mention scammers.

Google translate is your friend. I find switching to Mandarin Chinese is a good way to go. If they answer you back in Chinese, they either have a good sense of humor or they're a scammer.

Every site has a bozo bin. Use it when you need to.


Honestly...I thought he was saying he was obese... 🙂

Me too, lol. Like she didn’t want him on top😂


I think that once you implied that he'd had sex with his mom, then you are fair game.


Good god! What an ass.

Wait- whose ass are we talking about... Oh, never mind, I see.

On POF you see so many asses, sometimes you must specify.

@Paul4747 LOL! Yes I should have specified. I have never been on POF so was not aware.


The joys of online chat.........and having worked alongside 20,000 men in a shipyard for 13 years, I Promise you he is on the very small side!


I think it should mean you scored 10 points at least.


I have never felt innocent before today. I read the first sentence and I was like, "oh you can fix that, you just need a bigger mattress."

"Wait why is she telling him to downsize ... huh, his mom?"


"Oh. Oh god. He meant his penis. Whyyyyyyy"


Good grief.


I ignore that place


I won't even respond to that clown if I was u . He is laughable .

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