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Bernie is Toast.... Bernie Sanders had 2 stents inserted in artery


St-Sinner 9 Oct 2

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This crazy professor looking man who wants to be president of the only super power in and leader of the free world with 330 million people can get a damn haircut while in the hospital.


Yup ~

Varn Level 8 Oct 2, 2019

So did my ex, about 15 years ago at age 54, and, the alimony keeps rolling in!
And WTH is the reason for this pic??? The stents go in through either a groin or chest catheter, not through the forehead! Oh, And the ex was out hunting again 3 days after his strike me as one of those Estonian trolls I became so familiar with in 2016. Especially now that I read your nonsensical post below!

The picture? - Bernie is hurt. Politically, physically.

If at all with a stroke of lightening Bernie is elected, he will not be able to last one year in the White House and we taxpayers will have to pay for all his costs including a higher benefits to his family. There is no need. We have better candidates. Let us leave him alone. He needs a long recovery. He should not yell "socialism" at rallies any more. This general is hurt. He can't lead no one.

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