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@Admin ' s "poll": what's your deal with not allowing comments? Maybe someone was right after all & you're just a grad student collecting data. Make it so we can post comments there, or fix a glitch. Otherwise, you are hereby not given the right to use my vote on that 75% poll.


We're here on a site about agnosticism, atheism and humanism. While it doesn't make it true, we do know of the blatant misogyny in the "Judaeo-Christo-Islamo" faiths. Thus, one should at least pause a moment and think, then perhaps investigate based on one's skills, whether there's anything to the 75% pay claim.

But ... I expect we have some that instead reject it out of hand, even before there's any looking at any evidence. Such a contradiction.

LimitedLight 7 Oct 7

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Not important enough for me to get in a lather about. Don’t leave a vote if you don’t like the’s quite simple really. did observe that it was posted under Silly, Random and Fun...didn’t you?

@LimitedLight yes..I usually look to see.


I literally commented I felt this was a trick question. I believe women make less, but I am unsure of 75%.
If this is research with no comments allowed I would also reject the right to use my vote.

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