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"Net Neutrality" is synonymous with "Free Speech." . . . .

Most everything we are given by the media is bullshit. And what is not has no context with reality. Isolated bits of experience presented as a different major crisis everyday.

Reality: The more conflict, the more governments and banks have control over influencing cultures to support their narratives.

CNN (BB, NBC,...) is telling us about the reality they are sure will result in us returning to listen.

This is not about the truth. . . This is about business.

Which means, soulless humans attempting to take as much as they can without balance. This shit must be restricted, and prosecuted severely. Knowingly tell a lie, be deported.

Don't let them take away anyone's free speech, for any reason. We all lose.

JacarC 8 Oct 8

Enjoy being online again!

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If nothing else, your posts make a good argument against adding LSD to one's oatmeal every morning.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 9, 2019

Great image. I will never breakfast with you.

@Jacar Finally! You said something true!


You just conflated two things there.

Unfiltered speech has absolutely no guarantee that it will be thereby closer to "the truth" than news from a network or publisher with editors and journalists spanning the globe. Take a look at NPR, which the Right pans as a liberal mouthpiece- it was NPR who broke the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and who scrupulously state when the subject of a story is also a contributor to their network.

"Free speech" in the form of some gonzo with a website has nobody fact-checking it, nobody telling it to go talk to another source and verify the story before going to press, no accountability. And it has a veneer of credibility, like Breitbart or Alex Jones, because "they" wouldn't let people put it on the internet unless it was true, would "they"? When in fact there is no "They" in charge of anything, and in fact there really needs to be. Anything claiming to be news should have to go through the Washington Post Fact Checker or Snopes before being released. (Man, would those people have to do some hiring!)

There's only one reality. I'm just not so sure you're connected with it.

We have clear laws about what people are punished for saying. Reasoned laws.

it is illegal to teach ANY real physics in any ISLAMIC country. Tell me how the US is worse than the shit-holes on the planet.

""""Unfiltered speech has absolutely no guarantee that it will be thereby closer to "the truth" than news from a network or publisher with editors and journalists spanning the globe.""""


@Jacar Tell me how your point about Islamic countries is in any way relevant, please.

So- your "EXACTLY" actually agrees with me that news networks and publications can be considered more reliable than some lone internet nut? Which was the point I was making.
Hmm. Unexpected.


While I do support telling lies knowingly should be a felony, "Deported" to where? Australia ain't taking our chaff.....

@OwlInASack I know, I know, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes

@OwlInASack sometimes when I send my little donations to the ACLU I get a similar feeling. Luckily my"social studies" teachers were good teachers!

Deported: The middle of the sahara is my preference for those committing repentant violence.

@OwlInASack Mr Sack. Thank you for illustrating the left's total lack of a sense of sarcasm.

@Jacar why you spending my tax $$$ when we have perfectly good Death Valley at domestic airfare rates...or, hell, Greyhound (is Greyhound still a thing?)

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