There seem to be a fair number of atheists on, but this question is for agnostics: Do you think the existence or v nonexistence of God is simply unowned, or is it unknowable--a sort of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle on a cosmic scale rather than a quantum scale?
I think it’s irrelevant and a distraction from living your life. In the real world no one gives a toss what you think.
However, philosophically, go to to Leibniz and Heidegger and to a certain extent Wittgenstein and visit the question ‘why is there something instead of nothing?’
Heisenberg doesn’t ask this question. His suggestion is if you know your location you don’t know your velocity and vice versa. One famous quote “What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.”
The old joke is a traffic cop pulls up Heisenberg for speeding and asks “Do you know how fast you were going?” Heisenberg replies “I have no idea officer, but I know exactly where I am!”
"unowned" or did you mean "unknown"? And the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle does not postulate the existence or non-existence or particles.
My agnosticism is like this: Instead of putting energy toward believing in something, I put my energy into being comfortable with not knowing the future.
I believe that it is currently unknown, not necessarily unknowable...unless their are no gods/ is no God in which case it’s unknowable because there will believers but no way to prove the deity/ ies existence.
Don’t ask me what the implications are for wave theory though
One day I’ll die and I’ll then know or not know, but I’m guessing it’ll be my secret as none of my dead loved ones have shared any knowledge from their graves.
Neither side can prove or disprove God's existence. Because the world and the Universe is 99% unknown to man. Man is not capable of knowing either way. I trust my feelings of great doubt in a personal God. When I see unethical behavior more often than not from Religion and great hipocrites. I move away from these groups that I can't understand for a better balance of love and kindness.
I do not care one way or the other. I believe that makes me an apatheist. The possible existence or non existence of a god or gods is irrelevant to my life. But I do find it fascinating discussion in some ways since in my mind it is unknowable. I grew up with no religion so it is interesting to me how people put forth so much energy about God
I wonder too, how can a Christian muster up so much energy because they are not lame.
The Religious more often have a lower IQ yet highly exercise their EQ in which they dominant emotional such as, a warm fuzzy feeling.
How do separate a Priest, Army General and a President in bed together.....
With a crowbar.