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I think what I've been feeling lately might be described as a "crush" on somebody I work with. If my assessment is correct, it would be my first one since 2003.

He's smart, funny, my age, and we have a lot in common. He's also about 400 lbs., so let's just keep this between us.

Ms_McSteven 7 Oct 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds like his weight isn't a deal-breaker so much as being co-workers and his ex still in the picture, so you wouldn't consider going for more with him, but I'd still just enjoy the feeling for what it is. I used to dread crushes, but as long as I can manage them and know the reality, they're kind of nice when they happen. Reminds me I still have that desire for meaningful companionship.


I have a crush on a woman I met several weeks ago. This happens to me once-in-awhile, and it's really distracting and inconvenient. She's really sweet, but I think she's bi-polar.



bobwjr Level 10 Oct 10, 2019

Makes me feel featherweight @ 300 # six feet 5"


Sounds like this terrific man could benefit from having somebody care enough about him and his health to help him cook his way toward feeling better.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 10, 2019


The only person I can control and change is myself.

Maybe she wants somethjng out of a romance besides having a project. maybe she respects him more than that.


Don't let him crush you.


During sex.


You have my word I won't tell him a thing.

Enjoy it while it lasts, and I'm refusing to do any "crush" jokes regarding his weight.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 10, 2019

Well done.

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