Since Canada not there, I'll take Ireland.
If Ireland wins, dose that make them more Intelligence?
What do you mean? For me it's just a sport, entertainment. A good excuse to socialise. In rugby there's always good attitude.
Just a joke I use in standup, when one city thinks they are more superior in intelligence than the other, over one championship.
I love a wide range of sports too.
@Castlepaloma, sorry, as English is my second language I didn't understand the joke. I get a lot of that on a soccer discussion group on Facebook. Not on feeling more intelligent but a bit like "my dick is bigger than yours"... Lol!!!
That works too. Lol
What's the saying; give blood play rugby? I am not a fan of any organized sports. Besides, I don't have a lot of blood to give.
Lol!!! I'm too small and old to play rugby. I love to watch it though.
Have fun...but I have to support Edinburgh! If Scotland are eliminated from the World Cup...I’ll be supporting Ireland.
Although I love the city of Edinburgh I live in Dublin, Co Leinster. It will be a good match hopefully.