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I found out I lost an additional 10 pds since my last Dr's visit (woot!!)

Dr: "Wow! Whatever you're doing is working!"

Me: "If you mean using stress, coffee, and shots of whiskey as my main source of energy lately... then yep I'm a success story."

I don't think my doctor thinks I'm as funny as I think I am... heh.

evestrat 8 Mar 22

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That's fantastic, @Evestrat, yay for you!

I'm doing the diet with wine instead of whiskey but maybe I should rethink that. 😉

@evestrat I know, right? And then I'd have to get something else for my daily fruit serving. 😉


Don't want to rain on your parade but if you're half telling the truth about the reason for your weight loss you might be losing the wrong kind of weight. Poor diet, stress etc. may cause weight loss but not fat loss. Your body more readily gives up muscle tissue for fuel rather than dipping into those fat stores during periods of inadequate calories and other stress. I know doctors weigh you every time you see them but maybe you can get a quality body fat % test or if that's not available just take measurements and use a mirror. I hope you keep up your efforts for a healthier you. 🙂 🙂

@evestrat Excellent! Then all I have to say is congratulations.


Good job. I don't weigh myself anymore. I disappoint myself. I can't gain any weight.

@evestrat Lol.


My doctor has a good sense of humor. With me he has to have one in order to survive.


Physicians have their funny bones amputated when they get their medical degree. 😛

@evestrat I just feel that it's true. 😉


Lololololololololol..they never do..

@evestrat of course he did...lololol

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