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So yesterday my sons mom asked me If I became an atheist so I can do bad things (lol!). I said no. I said I became an aetheist after researching religion and thats where the research led me (I thought she was already aware of this). I explained to her how I was never really a full believer anyway and I just tried to be Christian because thats what my mom wanted. She told me she doesnt really no anyone who doesnt believe in god. I said you probably do but just don't know it. So the next day she would barely speak to me and wouldnt even look me in my eye. I had no Idea she felt so strongly about her faith because she doesnt even go to mass or attend services on sundays. I was bewildered, so I asked her tonight why did she ask me that. She said she watched a video on atheism (which is shocking). I asked what was the subject matter. She went on to explain that some theists was grilling a bunch of teenage atheists about why they didnt believe. I guess he starting proselytizing to them. As she was explaining his rhetoric I said oh thats the watch maker theory. She seemed annoyed. Well she said anyway he got one of the kids to admit he was atheist so he could watch porn lol and most of the other kids changed their mind about their belief in god. I tried to explain to her that the video sounds like religious propraganda and there are instances where the same scenario happens in reverse. She has no interest in hearing opposing view points. I told her people can believe what they want I don't care. She said she just doesnt understand how someone could not believe in god, and I was done with the whole conversation...smh

AlfonseCapone 6 Oct 19

Enjoy being online again!

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In a nutshell, just become a good human being. Having faith is not bad if you can pick the good and apply it to life while leaving out the bad. There are great human beings in religion and outside religion. Not either side can stake a claim to superiority or being a better human being. It is incorrect to say for atheists that leaving religion is not being ignorant any more just like religious to say that leaving religion is becoming immoral.

The approach is very simple. Be a good human being.

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