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I was a film major in college. I specialized in film history, film criticism, film theory, and filmmaking. I prefer the Golden Age of Hollywood to the past few decades of film, with notable exceptions. I especially like the films of Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Billy Wilder, and Nicholas Ray. I prefer dramas and film noirs, but also like a good comedy or musical. Westerns are an acquired taste for me. I finally saw what many consider the greatest Western of all time, and that was "The Searchers" directed by John Ford. Do you like old movies and if so, which ones do you like?

johnhoffs 4 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree with what you say here, also find westerns an acquired taste, but I love The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.


I normally do not watch movies before the mid-sixties, my coming into adulthood. I have begun watching a few select movies of the fifties. The Searchers, The Caine Mutiny, and North By Northwest and I have enjoyed them. I tried some forties and thirties movies and none did anything for me. Didn't even finish them, but that's me.


I love old movies, especially the dramas and film noirs. I also like the old horror movies from th thirties and forties. My favorite actor of all time is Bogart. I also like the more light hearted mysteries like The Thin Man and Charlie Chan series. The humor of W C Fields and the Marx Brothers still hold up for me. There are a lot of movies from the fifties through the eighties I like, but it really thins out after that. I do have a thing for really good or really bad SiFi movies.

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