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Healing - for anyone.

Allamanda 8 Oct 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I still sing but only in private. I sing because it feels good. Closed cars and showers have wonderful acoustics. My son's first full sentence was Mama don't sing. My favorite grandchild says you have a beautiful Jazzy voice it's just a little off-key.


We have that over here. We call it universal healthcare, or the National Health Service. I hope the day will come when the USA catches up with most of the rest of the world and has it too.

(Nice bit of artwork - lots of proto-Art Nouveau/Arts&Crafts/Victorian Medievalism influence, and they're all good things 🙂 )

Jnei Level 8 Oct 27, 2019

Cool 😎

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 26, 2019

I used to sing all the time as a child... I drove my mom bananas... at the dinner table, in the bath, walking to school, at the grocery store...and in church...


I did too, until my mother told me she thought I was actually hurting the cats' ears. To be fair, singing really isn't one of my talents.


My mom said the same kind of thing to me.. it's the old fashioned catholic way of making your kids do what you want them to do.. shame and criticism.

So, I went to a private school of the arts instead and took dance!

That was way more costly than the irritation of me singing loudly in my fluffy pink dress.

@Athena fluffy pink dress?

@Athena my kids all got jeans and a tshirt


I was obsessed with pink and only wore dresses. Now, I'll only wear one to funerals.


Evidently you have never heard me sing. 🙂

@Allamanda I hate to torture all the critters in the forest, so I do it in the car.

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