I am convinced that Trump is going to be impeached but not removed from office because the spineless Republicans will not abandon him. My question is: What will happen if Trump is defeated in the 2020 elections and refuses to leave office alleging that the elections are rigged and even worse he tells his base to go into the streets and fight for him?? Will that start a 2nd Civil War?? Will the Armed Forces defend the Constitution and support the Democratic candidate?? Any thoughts??
He will be escorted out and those folks will most likely do nothing. Just as those folks around trump don't want to go to jail for this guy, neither do his followers. If they did do something, yes the Army or National Guard would do their job. They have in the past and will in the future. It is what they do.
I really hope you are right.
@Condorandino Why wouldn't do their job?
@Sticks48 I am not doubting of their professional behavior but Trump has charisma like Hitler had and look at the consequences of a whole country following a psychopath to a result of 60 million dead. Germany was not a banana republic and had the highest number of educated people in the world in 1933 when Hitler got to power. Charisma is something very dangerous and the consequences could be devastating mainly because a charismatic leader does whatever he wants with the people who support him. Time will tell. Now with his killing of Al-Baghdadi he has become a hero for the whole country and really, even if he is impeached, he will probably be re-elected in 2020 like Obama was when he killed Osama bin Laden in 2011.
@Condorandino Since we have such a diverse society that is most unlikely. They also had an economy that was so out of whack because of the Treaty of Versailles, a loaf of bread would cost you a wheelbarrow full of Deutsche marks. Two thirds of this country don't think he is charismatic at all. If it were about the popular vote, which it should be, he would lose by millions of votes. No one will care about Baghdadi in a month. It has been years since we have even heard his name. If lazy assed, stupid Americans get out and vote he will lose. Hell he lost by almost three million votes to Clinton. A stupid outdated system and interference in our election put him in office. trump fatigue will probably help drive many to vote. It is exhausting what happens everyday with this guy.
@Sticks48 You are correct regarding the economic situation today in the USA compared to Germany in 1933 after the Versailles Treaty when they had to pay outrageous reparations after WWI. The elephant in the room is the antiquated Electoral College which must be eliminated once and for all. Really this is the only chance for Trump to be elected legally. The 2nd problem is the division within the Democratic Party. I don't even know why Biden is running. He represents the Establishment that many blue collar Americans hate. Then you have Buttigieg and Klobuchar who are moderates and have the potential of uniting the party. Bernie, Elizabeth, and Kamala have good and fair ideas but Will they capture the votes of moderate Republicans and Independents?? I don't really know. The division in the Democratic Party is deep: the "far left" which for me it's the sensible one is too advanced and scares the hell out of some moderate people. The difference with Trump base is that they are completely united and that 40 % of voters are solid. He is the messiah for those ignorant idiots and they will do and believe whatever he asks them to do and whatever he says.
@Condorandino The Democratic party has been divided as long as I can remember and the Republican party has been together as long as I remember. The Democrats are a very diverse party made up of every race in this country. The Republicans are made up primarily of white folks. Think about both parties conventions when they chose their nominees. The difference ie really startling. Where the Dems fuck up is when a certain wing of the party gets childish as they did in this last Presidential election and don't vote or vote for the opposition and then bitch for the next four years. I only hope they don't pull this childish shit if Biden does get the nod. If they do this again they will be just as culpable as the Republicans for the re-election of trump.
@Sticks48 Very good point. Even though I do not like Biden, I will vote for him as a way of showing my deep rejection for Trump.