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Just interested in seeing what others think on this subject: Do you think that religion can and/or will be largely phased out of the human social stage by scientific advancement and greater understanding, or will it remain a large force as long as we're around as a species?

CalebEWarren 4 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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There is a deep psychological aspect of religion which goes back hundreds of generations. What we label as religiosity now is not what it has been. See the work of Durkheim and Geertz.

Our present form is ego based requiring external transformation by intervention and intercession.

The cycle will return to the personal and tribal aspect I would argue, but not because of science, but because mankind’s internal drive to reach out.


It is not a strong force in most educated cultures (I wish ours was one of those), and will probably lessen in the cultures where it does have power over time. I can see where they go back to being cults someday, but I doubt they will disappear.

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