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You're not free from religion until you deprogram your subconscious mind.


AgnoLulu 5 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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That is certainly an interesting website! I had a preconceived idea of what it was about until I explored it a bit.

There are aspects of religion of which I do not want to be free. A person can have deep awareness, awe, appreciation, and reverence for life, and the result might be joy, contentment, and ecstasy. I will gladly throw out the bath water of belief in church dogma, but I chose to keep the baby.

But I don’t think the article is suggesting that anyone throw out the baby. There is no admonition to adopt a materialistic or physicalist stance typical of scientism. There are a variety of articles there that promote spiritual awareness.


Since I gave it up at 13 or 14 it was really easy.


Your not free from anything until you deprogrammed your subconscious mind, and neuroplasticity will keep you doing what you are already doing until you consciously stop it!

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