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Trying to smoke cigarettes less, this is hard.

averykings 6 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Cold turkey was the only way I could quit. If you manage to quit, you will be so happy you did. I have known people who only smoked when they had a drink or were occasional smokers. l tried that, but I would eventually be back to a pack a day. Do give them up if you can.

Thanks, im trying to go from four to two a day.

@averykings I do wish you the best of luck with this. If you can do that maybe you will have no adverse health risks.

@Sticks48 thank you!

@averykings You are welcome.


That is hard. Ive always been all or nothing as far as that goes. Ive been free for more than a year this time but if I were to slip up I would be back to a pack and a half a day or so.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 28, 2019

It’s harder than i thought it would be, i never realised i was so addicted and reliant on them until now. Im trying to keep my mind busy so it bothers me less but im literally itching.

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