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Animal cruelty
A couple days ago my boyfriend and I were on our way home to his house. As we drove over the small hill in the road I instantly saw a little black dog close to the road. We got closer and I noticed the black pitbull was tied to a tree that stood between the sidewalk and street. I knew right away someone had left him there. I stopped my car and we both hopped out. He had a metal tie out lead wrapped three times, very tightly, around his neck, along with a trash bag. My boyfriend gave him water and the little dog lapped it up...with several refills. Once we gained his trust we took the lead and bag off his neck. "You are not trash, beautiful boy" I said to him over and over. People are trash. How can people do these things? He was lucky. I was able to use my resources and place him in a furever home within 30 minutes. It still sickens me, but I am grateful I found him and that he will have a good life with lots of love now. The photos are him in his new home after a vet visit.

BohoHeathen 8 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Smart loyal protective all these canine companions need is healthcare safe food water and walk every 6 hours....people my age in retirement can have a great life napping walking and meals together


Cute puppy

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 30, 2019

Good for you. I am so glad you could rescue him. 🙂


Just horrible! Thank you for looking out for these beautiful creatures.

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