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I've been a member of for about a year I think. I've found it very stimulating to discuss different non-religious viewpoints rationally, civilly, and more globally than is usually possible in one's hometown. I have also made some good friends here and hope to continue to do so. Lately however the discourse is often fraught, uncivil, repetitive, and subjects members to a lot of unnecessary trolling, expletives, tribalism and rancor.
Particularly for Americans who make up the majority here - please consider - you are a country founded for religious tolerance, during the Enlightenment, by largely non-religious thinkers - yet you've come to be the most intolerant, fundamentalist Christian, income-disparate, racist, anti-intellectual and close to fascist of all the developed world. There's a pattern here - and not a good one. It is not necessary to be aggressively and rudely judgemental of other definitions of words, other versions of non-belief. Nor of British or other Anglophone spellings, ideas, etc. which may well be much more successful in their own context.
Let's NOT behave like religious fundamentalists - partly because we all surely seek to spread a more enlightened view of the world and to find some solutions to its problems.

Allamanda 8 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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America was founded by religious extremists too extreme for late medieval Europe. I rest my case.

@Allamanda I just meant that the Pilgrims were not exactly paragons of tolerance for their era. 🙂


Well said


what a great post! I am American and no doubt, quite the smart ass at times. if I've been personally offensive please accept my apologies. peace. ✌️


I have not noticed anyone acting as a religious fundamentalist; however, our impression of such behavior may differ. Your family is not religious, whereas mine is fundamentalist. My experience with them is muted by many years of separation, and they have no doubt changed. Thus, your sense of fundamentalists may be more accurate than mine.

In many ways people on this site are no different than the general population, so your hope for constructive change may be in vain, especially since it is generic rather than specific.

If you have someone specific in mind, and they read this post, they may or may not know it is directed at them. If they do not realize it is for them, it is unlikely they will change. If they do realize, you have gained nothing from this post vs a PM or poignant reply.

When a person attacked me personally, I replied that a personal attack was not OK, but it was OK to attack ideas. From then on, we discussed ideas. Be frank, but kind, and get immediate results. Of course, it is possible the person will go postal, but they cannot shoot you.

@Allamanda IMO blocking is a strong PM.

I agree with open club and not attacking members. One should always be kind.

I've noticed the new atheists here seem to be struggling with their conversion, but I'm not familiar with 'New Atheists' nor with awho thinks they are intolerant, so I checked Wikipedia. I fit the definition, probably. I generally do not associate with my fundamentalist family. Moreover they are delusional, Christians. I have been kind when interacting, but resolute and outspoken if challenged on my beliefs.

As far as I know, no atheist has burned a Christian at the stake. Thus, I challenge the idea that New Atheists are as intolerant as Christians. Perhaps an atheist has killed a Christian for the belief in god, but I've not heard of it. On the other hand, there are stories from time to time about Christians killing an atheist; Madalyn Murray O'Hair is one I remember, but think the killer wasn't found.

Civility, kindess, is important.

@Allamanda Of course, violence is foreign to my nature. Although, I'm not perfect.


THANK YOU for posting. I personally have not been subjected to much denigration, I have heard many on the site have. My spelling is not good, I know this and take great pains to double check and there was maybe once someone commented on that instead of what I had to say.
That sort of is what makes me grind my teeth. I want to know what others thoughts, opinions or ideas encompass, I just turn sideways and ignore syntax (I will ask for clarification), spelling, grammar (good or bad), etc. and see no reason to jump their bones about it. Snarky and other forms of humor that depend on inflection do not always come across in the type written format, some do not like swear words, the bottom line is STAY ON TOPIC do not attack the person posting, if you can't do that shut your friggin' piehole 🙂.


I hope your experience improves soon again. I really enjoy the posts you put up and value your insight.

^ Same here.

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