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Voting is not like marriage, youโ€™re not looking for, โ€˜the oneโ€™.
Voting is like a bus, you pick the one closest to where you want to go ๐Ÿ™‚

girlwithsmiles 8 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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BUt, not to far off... Bidenis a no go as far as I'm concerned.


Perfect. I hope my fellow Dems pay attention as they are prone to really fuck things up. The far left is no different from the far right when it comes to this kind of thinking, except the far right will most often go out and vote for their parties nominee and the far left will not vote, and then sit around and whine and bitch for four years. If they do this in 2020 they will be as responsible as the folks who do vote for trump with whatever disasters befall us with his re-election. Get off of your selfish asses and vote no matter who the Dems nominate!!!

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