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Chomsky sits down with Mehdi Hasan to discuss the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, the 2020 Democratic field, and why he opposed Trump’s Syria troop withdrawal.
"MH: Am I right in saying that you didn’t support President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from the front lines in Syria?
NC: That’s correct. For a long time, I’ve been trying to organize support for opposition to the withdrawal.
MH: And why is that?
NC: Because the, from the left at least, the call for withdrawal was based on anti-imperialist principles. But principles have to be understood in connection with the human reality of the existing circumstances. A small, U.S. contingent with the sole mission of deterring a planned Turkish invasion, which was obvious, is not imperialism. It’s protecting the Kurds from an expansion of the atrocities and massacres that Erdogan has been carrying out both within Turkey itself and in the areas of Syria that he’s already conquered.
NC: The current moment, not just political, is the most grim moment in human history. We are now in a situation where this generation, in fact, in the next few years, is going to have to make a decision of cosmic significance which has never arisen before: Will organized human society survive? And there are two enormous threats. The threat of environmental catastrophe, which at least is getting some attention, not enough. The other is the threat of nuclear war, which is increasing sharply by the Trump administration, in fact. These have to be dealt with quickly. Otherwise, there’s nothing to talk about.
And notice that the wrecking ball in the White House just doesn’t give a damn. He’s having fun. He’s serving his rich constituency. So what the hell, let’s destroy the world. And it’s not that they don’t know it. Some months ago, maybe a year ago by now, one of the Trump bureaucracies the National Transportation Administration came out with what I think is the most astonishing document in the entire history of the human species. It got almost no attention. It was a long 500-page environmental assessment in which they tried to determine what the environment would be like at the end of the century. And they concluded, by the end of the century, temperatures will have risen seven degrees Fahrenheit, that’s about twice the level that scientists regard as feasible for organized human life. The World Bank describes it as cataclysmic. So what’s their conclusion? Conclusion is we should have no more constraints on automotive emissions. The reasoning is very solid. We’re going off the cliff anyway. So why not have fun? Has anything like that ever appeared in human history? There’s nothing like it."


skado 9 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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This week I learned that the biggest coal firm in the US filed for bankruptcy, and that electricity production fell about 25% in the past decade, in spite of government opposition. In China and Africa, millions of trees have been planted, with many more to come. Tesla is about to decimate the ICE car industry, and the oil industry will follow. China is leading the world in renewable energy use, possibly because Beijing, their capital, has awful air pollution. I expect many Tesla Model 3 cars will be used as robotaxis, and they will significantly improve air quality within five years. Climate Change will be bad, but humanity has a chance to survive.


If I'm not mistaken, Mr Hasan is the same guy who told Richard Dawkins that of course he believed Mahommad rose to heaven on gold chariot. To which Dawkins, astonished, replied sarcastically, " Why 'rose' ?"

(There's no up or down in the heavens).

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