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Love American Style – how couples meet.


For my relations the numbers are: 1 ½ through family, 2 ½ from work and 2 from other (not shown).

JackPedigo 9 Nov 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Given my occupation 90% of the women I have ever met have been in bars. Even nights when not playing that is where I was hanging out. For the last few months I have quit doing that. I might go out once a week.


They left out meeting at the grocery store. That's where I met my darling Richard.

They left out several places. I guess more people meet in bars than other places.

I used to live in a suburb where the rumour was that singles night at the supermarket was a Thursday night 😉

@girlwithsmiles I bet Thursday night at the supermarket was a lot of fun!!!

@Redheadedgammy you were certainly passing more attention to the other shoppers 😊

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