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Proposition: No one is totally pro-life.

  1. If you are totally pro-life, you would be obligated to marry, copulate and populate, as early as possible having as many children as possible. Almost no one does this.
  2. If you are totally pro-life and truly believe that full human personhood, or a human soul, begins at conception, then you would be obligated to save every fertilized egg, or every human life possible. Spontaneous abortions happen all the time. In fact, it is estimated that spontaneous abortion occurs in 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies. No one makes an effort to save the lives of all these alleged fully human persons. No one even proposes that we do so as a society.
  3. As a follow-on to this, if you truly believed that every fertilized human egg is fully human, you would be obligated to consider every woman who has a spontaneous abortion, and her mate by association, who does not do everything possible to save such a fetus, embryo, or fertilized egg, of pre-mediated murder, or at least negligent homicide. No one does this or proposes this as a law.
  4. One could also add that many people who claim to be pro-life are also in favor of the death penalty. This is a contradiction of belief.

Conclusion: No one is totally pro-life, but only partially and conditionally pro-life. One might call this a pro-life philosophy of convenience.

Heraclitus 8 Nov 5

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The believers do with the life issue exactly what they do with every other issue. That is, they cherry pick just what they want, ignore logic if it does not support their preformed conclusions, and put their fingers in their ears to shut out any outside input. You give the whole system too much credit, by offering it well reasoned arguments.


That’s a pretty sound argument. Annoyingly, I can’t find a fault! πŸ‘πŸ˜‰


Faultlessly logical

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