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Has anyone got any ideas? I would like to set up something to counter the churches and the bovine they pump, somewhere to gather around the whole country.Not to bash religion but to put out other views.Then we could have a platform to speak from make the news get publicity,let others know they are not alone.

KICKN 5 Nov 8

Enjoy being online again!

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What religions would you not like to bash? Most posts I see around this type of subject are using religion as a term when basically they mean Christianity.

This is not a criticism, you said any ideas.

What ‘other views’ would you like to get across? You need to be specific as to what you want to say or it will be a rudderless venture that will be hijacked for personal agendas.

It’s a great idea in potential but you need to be sure it is not anti- anything as there lie the seeds of failure.

What is there that is new that you can bring to the table?


I am openly atheist and belong to several secular organizations that work on issues that I care about. I do not push my beliefs on other people but everyone is aware of them and they're also aware that I care about helping others and working for a better world. I feel it's about my only option in a small red state town.


Contact the Freedom From Religion Foundation [] they can advise you, or join Atheist Republic [] for organisations in your area.

Thank you. Why is there no major publicity push in fact you never hear anything on television, are they that frightened by christians?

@KICKN Quite the opposite, the only time you do hear about them on the news is to disparage them and others because so many of the media execs are so in the pockets of big religion or are owned by it at least in part.
These atheist entities have a large IRL and internet presence but almost none in the MSM.
When Atheist experience became a big hit on public access television in Texas, a coalition of churches including the Mormons and evangelicals booked up every slot for seven years in advance to shut them down. The show went internet exclusive and still has huge national & international ratings, (almost twenty years now) but is constantly demonitised and false flagged on You Tube so allows mirroring by other users to keep getting the message out.

There has got to be a way to get real mass public attention we need a few billionaires to step forward because the only god for them is $$$$$

@KICKN Billionaires (and their accountants) love churches, he potential for tax avoidance by donating to and dealing with tax exempt organisations like churches is how many of them became billionaires in the first place.
The Rothschilds and the Rockafellas both have massive stakes in the LDS and use it to xfer money tax free from one to the other all the time, allowing the Mormons to cream off a percentage of the cash going both ways.
You will find no Billionaire willing to take a stand against their own "god give" tax haven.


There already are groups like Unitarians that are open to all and promote secularism. They seem to have very few members in general. I think the trouble with such groups is that they become polarized over political and social issues. They vote on some highly divisive resolution, and the losers drop out.

Will you allow Trump supporters in your group? Will they feel welcome? Will Deists be welcome?

A philosophical discussion group might work if there were strict rules of conduct and if all were welcome.

I want progress not more of the same

@KICKN So if Republicans show up they’ll be shown the door? If someone entertains the idea of a philosophical God they won’t be welcome? Sounds like you want to establish indoctrination centers for the promotion of your personal opinions. It’s not likely to work.

@WilliamFleming I would like conversation about truth not the same bitching bullshit and many resort to personal attacks it goes in circles and nothing is ever done


Support FFRF. They do great work and have touched upon great ideas. They are doing a great fight.

Be vocal on Twitter and Facebook. Target one or two most vocal religious freaks and do a daily counter to them. I did that to 2 religious users consistently for 4 months and 6 months and made them disappear with that user name. It is a small contribution but it will feel like a great success.


Join and encourage secular charities. One of the main assets the churches have are the ready made communities they provide, when their are six churches in every town, then let there be seven charity shops with a call in centre and a coffee shop inside, and the chance to volunteer and join in.

They need publicity so more people are aware they exist.

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