Every so often the old question crops up. Why does a site for agnostic/atheists spend so much time on the main forum talking about religion.
Well perhaps for a lot of people who come here, while this is one of the upper rungs on the ladder on their way out of the religious cesspit, they are not quite in the open air yet. We who have reached the open ground, can therefore offer a helping hand, and advice on how to mount the last few steps, if it is asked for. Which yes, will indeed, involve some turning back and looking down the pit again, but once you have found firm ground there is surely nothing to be scared of. Or you can curse them for being slow, leave them to it and waltz off to sniff the roses all alone.
I spent 10 solid years (my formative years) ensconced in Christianity. I was a true believer to my core. Or was I? Once I gained (allowed is more like it) reason and walked away, it occurred to me that it was more of an attempt to gain my father's approval and praise than anything else. I worshiped my father. But I led the fucking procession in my circle of friends. I became known as "God Jr.". I read that damn bible cover to cover numerous times. I not only read it. I studied it line by line and verse by verse. In him I lived and moved and had my being, as the verse goes.
Now I get somewhat of a pass because I was young and impressionable enough to trust what my elders told me was the truth. But I cannot seem to shake the notion that otherwise intelligent, rational adults latch on to, submerge themselves in and lay down their lives for what is so obviously a fairy tale. It perplexes me down to my bone marrow. I suspect my never ending desire to discuss religion is driven by some subconscious need to make sense of that. It is probably unhealthy since it will never make sense. But trudge on as I will with this quest that has no final destination.
I have not been here very long and I do not know many of the members but as someone looking in for a brief time, I get the feeling of anti-religion talk more than agnostic/atheist discussion.
As .mentioned, the cause could easily be that there are more on here trying to argue/convert others to religion (trolls).
As I said. I have not been here that long.
If one can’t look back down into the pit and reach out a hand of compassion, you didn’t realise you were there in the first place.