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Luck. Good or bad. Ever notice that there are peeps that win steadily at gambling? Find $20 bills? Get refunds from the IRS? Take their shuddering car to the garage and it's a loose screw, $25 ? Have their husband go out more than the usual and find it's not a girlfriend. He's rebuilding your grandpa's old rocker? Not me, not ever. I have nothing but bad luck. Some is poor choice, as in choosing my children's father. If he's a selfish shit of course some percentage of your offspring are going to be shits, too. Some is wrong place at wrong time, a back injury from catching a falling patient. Going into nursing. What was I thinking of? Should have let that bitch hit the floor. Wrong parents. He was violently abusive. She was so self absorbed she didn't notice. Cars needing excessive repairs. Bad neighbors. A string of ailments requiring surgery and/or savage testing or treatment over a 10 year time span? What do others experience? I would think it's 50/50 for normal people.

ForTheBirds 6 Nov 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I think the thing that observations of the public often miss is that we only see a small part of their lives. For example, when you see someone winning steadily at gambling, you assume that this is what happens for them. Actually, you notice them winning because it's the case that differs from the what usually happens. In other words, they might have spent hours or years loosing and either you didn't notice because it's just what normally happens or else you weren't there. And also, people don't usually brag about their loses. So when someone tells the stories of how they always win it just make sense that they would leave out all the loses they experienced.

To be clear, I think that being lucky can be a real thing. But I also think that on average the probabilities even out. If they didn't then probability wouldn't be a thing at all. Honestly I think most of the time luck is a mistaken perception caused by an incomplete narrative, incomplete observation, or a lack of attention to alternate cases.


There is a random element to life for everyone and I think that would tend to be 50 50. But then there are events that happen because of choices we make. Those are foreseeable often. My now grown daughter wanted to be a teacher at an early age, my wife and I made sure she understood it would be a life of little money and major headaches. Now she is a teacher married to a teacher with a child.

I suppose my point here is that this wasnt an accident, it was a choice.

You don't get to pick your body, I was outraged to have to have periods. It's better to be a man. You don't choose your parents. You don't choose your neighbors. You don't choose your children individually, although having children is a choice if you live in some states. You don't choose cancer, or detached retinas, thyroid failure, car accidents not your fault, shattered pelvis falls ( I wasn't bungee jumping, I was watering plants.) 85% of my life was working hard, keeping house, cooking real food, not junk out of a box, doing laundry, being a wife and mother. Very little beer, never smoked, nurses have to pee, so no recreational drugs. If there was a god, I could feel picked on. But nope, no god, not of any variety. So choices are a player, but not the entire game.

@ForTheBirds yes you are right on all you say. I have followed your posts, with sympathy. In your case its the roll of the dice. I hope you have some happy memories and have had a good life, we only get one. It may be a bitter pill to be sick, I am so sorry. I hope when I am at a similar point I can find the ability to find some fun and joy in the time left. I know it can't be easy......


I usually figure out they are problem gamblers or just good story tellers.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 14, 2019

My churchgoing Episcopal or Methodist family regards gambling as either a vice or a sin. My husbands Irish / Italian family think of it as investing. And I will say this, though I've never won anything in my life, They win. My husband hit Flamingo Bingo twice in the first 2 years he lived in FL. He was working in Las Vegas & I was along for the ride 12 years ago. We sat at a neighborhood lunch/ bar/ slots & ordered sandwiches near the Hard Rock. He slid a $20 into the bar top poker game. On his second roll he got a Royal Flush, which pays $1,000. His whole fam damly plays and they win way more than they loose.

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