Which of the Dem presidential candidates is most likely to oppose this and most likely to work to reverse it if they get power? Rank order those remaining. [ineteconomics.org]
That's easy: None of them.
It seems that Buchanan's ideas have already taken hold and been the status quo for several generations.
These ideas are very closely related to the neo-liberal polices held by many democrats and republicans today, which is funny because according to wikipedia he started out as a socialist.
I don't think trusting politicians to come and magically solve all of our problems is a good plan, especially since they have every motivation to do none of those things or the bare minimum once in power.
Long report but still the bottom line is that absolutely no economic theory or practice can sustain the mantra of sustained growth. Sustainable growth on a finite planet is an oxymoron, period. Nature provides all our resources and when they are gone or corrupted there will be no economy. Rich and poor alike will suffer. In the meantime thousands of non-human species will be lost (and it is happening at this moment).
@ToolGuy Then you're one of the few.
There are a lot of things we need a strong presidential candidate to fight for . Unfortunately , running is very expensive , and therefore the candidates with the most money and powerful friends , have a better chance of winning . Unfortunately , they also make back room deals , under the table agreements , pid pro quo affangements , and kick backs - exchanges giving the corporations exclusive priveledges in exchange for huge monetary campaign donations , that are not in the best interests of the population . In other words , the whole process sucks . Even if a candidate wins the most votes of the populace , the winner does not necessiarly get the office due to corruption and the electrical collage votes .
There's only one Dem candidate (that I know of) who isn't beholden to corporations and oligarchs, and who has been steadfast for getting money out of politics for decades: Bernie.
@MissKathleen Sadly, I think you're probably right. But I supported Bernie four years ago (until Hilary got nominated) and then I supported Hilary. I'll do the same thing this time. The truth of his character is still the same.
You have asked a wide open question. I think it needs clarification. Do you mean presidential candidates only, or do you include senators, representatives, governors, legislators, mayors, etc. By at odds with this, I assume you mean at odds with the neoliberal takeover of the government; is this your meaning?
Bernie and others who push for M4A and the Green New Deal.