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What is the most painful thing you’ve endured?

Me: Emergency appendectomy - my life was a living hell for 3 days before that, pain was worst ever, nothing would stay down, couldn't sleep or walk. I wished for a quick death.

Redcupcoffee 7 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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Chronic back pain wins hands-down.


I have endured kidney stones, diverticulosis, sinus surgeries, knee replacement, open heart surgery, food poisoning and traumatic brain injury. But the worst pain I have ever experienced was from Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome. The combined mental and physical agony was unbearable.


An infection that spread through my body. My white blood cell count was 33,000. They told me a normal count would be about 3,000. I got down to 110lbs. It was extremely painful for about seven hours. Pretty sure l don't want to do that again.


The loss of my grandma and dad.


It's a toss-up between passing a kidney stone and a shingles outbreak. There's no way to get comfortable with the pain of passing a kidney stone. It hurt when it was traveling down the tube from the kidney and the bladder. It was only 4mm, but felt like a whole meter. I am such a wuss.


My teeth have always been my kryptonite.


I don't think it rates high in comparison to some of the other experiences here but I had a weird viral infection that settled in both of my shoulders a few years ago For a while I was living like a T rex because it hurt so much to move my shoulders and I needed help dressing.My right side recovered because I was forced to use it but I guarded my left side and it froze.I don't have what I call pain in it now but I am having to work at getting it to move again


glad you survived that one


Kidney stones and gout don’t know which is worse


Repetative debilitating depression, where the thoughts turned to suicide to end the unbearable mental pain. I am OK at present.........


I'll make it short. Abuse accidents fucked up back and neck. Live on meds 100x stronger than heroin

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