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Hi all! Im checking this site out to see all you heathens out there. There ate a lot of Trump supporters here!? Crazy? WTF?
Today is Sunday and Im looking forward to watching my Indianapolis Colts play. I usually go to Ronkonkoma to watch the games but am trying to stick around Mastic/Shirley area.

Jean-Claude 2 Nov 17

Enjoy being online again!

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How someone can be rational enough to be and agnostic/atheist and support tRUMPf is beyond me. On top of everything else bad about him, he is catering to people who are trying to force their religious "values" onto the rest of us and who want to bring about the end times. They don't give a rip about preserving the US and our form of government--just like tRUMPf. They are too blind to see that he only only wants to make money out of it and does not for a moment think that Jesus is coming back. Or they know it and don't care--because they think he is part of their god's plan and all.


Welcome. There are some DT supporters here, strange.


Sorry I think we had one or two Trump supporters once, but I think they got eaten. Anyway welcome to the site, hello and enjoy.

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