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Today is my daughters 29th birthday. She is 6 years older than I was when I gave birth to her. Here we are 29 years ago! She has had a hard time of it but is really pulling herself through!

GreatNani 8 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Hi Grandma. Enjoy your time as it flows fast.

It does! Now I have grandkids whom I love dearly.


Here's my little honey who is now 29.

So sweet!!!



bobwjr Level 10 Nov 19, 2019

Please extend a happy birthday wish from me, from all your friends here at Agnostic dot com!🎂🎂🎂


Such a sweet picture. My daughter is 29, as well.

Thank you! I remember taking that picture. 29 years is a long time ago


Nice photo. Is that a very young Nani I see in this photo?

Yes very young! 24 🙂


Say happy birthday to her from us! Hope she finds better times ahead...she’s got her whole life to look forward to.

She does! She has two beautiful girls and she is a good mom. I try to be encouraging!


Aww thanks for sharing!

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