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As Christmas approaches I seem to sense a rising anger and rigidness toward the Christians and other religious groups... I think we should be over this pettiness and try to live our best lives without all of the rancor....or am I wrong?

blzjz 7 Nov 27

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I have nothing against anyone until they start trying to infringe on my freedoms and the freedoms of those I love.
If you want to live your life being deluded, fine, you want to live your life hating people because a bronze age book of fables says you should, hate away.
If you start telling me my family members deserve to die and try to change the law so you can kill them, torture them or imprison them, don't be surprised if some one kicks your bible down your throat and leaves you to choke on it.
Christians can be as Christian as they like so long as it stays in their own heads and homes, and they respect my right to tell them to fuck off with their shitty belief when they try and impose them on me and mine in public.


You are absolutely right. We only hurt ourselves by clinging to grudges and indulging in negative judgments.

That would be fine Bill if they thought the same way, but they do not, they are determined to save us from being rational caring people and have us join their hateful death cult.

@LenHazell53 the thing to remember it "They" are still the majority....

@blzjz That does not make them right it is still just the argumentum ad populum

@LenHazell53 ya but when it comes to a vote we are minority....I think we should let go and live our lives...water off a ducks back...?


Bullshit started by Christian right to stir shit up

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 27, 2019

complaining only furthers the argument and paints a target on you.....


Quite agree, but where have you observed this?

on this site for one...

@blzjz That is true 😳


I wish we could do as you suggest, but often religion and religious people act like a cancer rather than a loving or unifying force. Religion is the root of so much hate, (sexism, homophobia, etc.) death and ill-will - folks even abandon and reject family members over religion. I believe it needs to be stamped out.

I think 'WE" can do it.... it is a matter of not letting "them" get the better of us.....for me I really pay little attention to the dogma...

@blzjz I pay NO attention to the dogma, but a lot to the hate and fearmongering, and attempts to legislate their religion.

@blzjz that is an utterly naive point of view, akin to appeasement, a doctrine history has shown over and over to be ineffectual and dangerous.

@LenHazell53 it is a world we have to share... hostility doesn't work very well

@blzjz Not hostility secular law and order being valued over religious doctrine


We keep to ourselves & mind our own business. They can do whatever turns their crank.

Unfortunately what turns their crank every time they get a bit of power is persecution, theocratic tyranny and burning people in the public squares

@LenHazell53 Yes, unfortunately. Religion needs to be booted off its pedestal, & not be allowed to be above the law.

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