7 4

Woot woot! Level 4 in a day! Movin on up, and i have to admit. I'm having fun doing it too. I like this site, but wish it had more people in my area. An app would be nice as well.

BabyBlues420 5 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I made a post about an app and the admin said they want it too, and are trying to have feedback regarding this topic.


Nice, I leveled up pretty fast too.

Mr_Dj Level 5 Nov 19, 2017

Suppose it doesnt help that I'm an extremely conservative "god fearing" state. I'm also a very outspoken atheist. I get in alot of heated discussions. Lol

same here! I also live in wisconsin. Hope you're lovin this cold as crap we're havin


It’s a new site, hopefully our ranks will continue to grow. More people, more states.


Yes, I agree. In 2 weeks the admin said. I wonder what the highest level is? I'm on 4 as well.

10 is high




So glad to see you're on level 4 in one day! This is wonderful! I really like this site, as well! Congrats on reaching level 4!

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