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I am new here, and I don't have enough points(?) to message anyone. That is OK, but I didn't find the HELP very informative. I guess just posting this helps? We will see. πŸ™‚

dearth 3 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome and enjoy. Do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone, and don't worry too much about points and levels they come quickly if you don't look.


Just make an interesting post that people can engage with. That’ll do the trick!


Consider this--it's only polite to ''like'' a post as a way of saying ''Thanks." If it's at the top of a thread or at the bottom of a comment, saying "Thanks" will get you more than points!


Posting, replying, and even a thumbs up will get you points.


Welcome to the community.

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