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The biggest Problem with Atheism: People are Atheist because they hate religion, instead of having a strong belief in that God does not exist.

JiunnWong 5 Mar 26

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I think you have it arse about.
AFAIK we don't believe in gods. From that, and our public avowal of that, stems a certain level of persecution/discrimination by the religious. The whole of our society is predicted on religion, right down to the language we use.
Non-belivers are therefore continually confronted by a mild daily hostility and /or challenge to their world view. What's more this challenge is irrational.
This gives people the irrits.
Hence the general dislike of religion.


That's a pretty sweeping statement you have just made. I'd be interested to know how you came to that conclusion and where you got your evidence from.

I have always been an atheist - long before I really knew anything about religion and certanly well before I learned about all the amoral acts performed supposedly in the name of religion.

I am an atheist because I see no evidence that the gods described by various religions exist. The burden of proof for this remains with those making the claim - if you claim you have an invisible unicorn in your basement, it's not up to me to prove you haven't. It's your job to prove you have, I'm not the one making the claim. A bit like your statement above - I don't believe you.


I consider myself Agnostic. I see no proof either way if some sort of god exists. The universe is a big place and maybe even bigger than what we can observe. Religion on the other hand is man made. Stories and tales meant to control or try to give meaning to life for different societies from the beginning.


I do not have a belief that god(s) does not exist. I have absolutely no beliefs.


I hate what is done in the name of religion. I have known some terrific people who are religious.


I don't hate religion. I simply don't believe in any of their dogma and BS.


If you’re atheist because you hate God and something bad happened to you at some point in your life, that’s not the most mature thing in the world. Most atheists I know and know of have actually taken the time to see if any evidence holds up concerning God’s existence and leave their emotions out of it. Obviously since you’ve made this, you’ve probably met some atheists who hate God, so I would encourage you to encourage them to keep their emotions out of their beliefs because atheism looks at facts, not how you feel about said facts.

Adam7 Level 4 Mar 26, 2018

I disagree, Not believing in god is natural . Who with a brain has not questioned religious text? Regarding spiritualism, I hate religion because it is too closed for anyone to evalute reality. Open bounds leads to discovery. It is like shining a flash light on a cardboard square in a dark room, the lighted area is the energy. then move the flash light further back and expand the circle until you just take the cardboard away and live with the expanded insight.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

Really don't care about religion one way or the other, I'm an atheist because I have never seen proof of a godhead figure.


Dunno 'bout that. I'm quite sure we, the whole of humanity, have seen no proof that any god exist. And with what we know of physics, it is highly likely, to the point of unlikeliness, that no god created us, nor grants our wishes, nor guides us.

And I don't hate the Religion at all. I believe that Religion "had to happen" and is normal to have happened - in regards to our development as humans.


I became an atheist because I don't believe in god(s). Over time, my dislike of religion became very strong because of what it does to people and society. Or moreso what people do in the name of religion.

So no - I didn't become an atheist because I hate religion but I'll admit that has become a byproduct.


It's not that we hate religion it's that we hate what religion does to people especially the non-religious. What is happening right now in our country is a good example of the destructive power of religion. It has become the enemy of a democratic society.


Not clear on your point. Is that what you think or what people around you think?

I.E. Are you saying that people have a bad view of atheists or that this is your view?


I feel like as @kristen8 said, one might cause the other. I don't believe in a god, thus I feel like religion is silly. And I hate what people do in the name of religion. But I'm not athiest because I hate religion. There are spiritual people who don't like organized religion.

I really don't like this. But I was given the option of approving (or not) your comment. Who am I to judge?

To reply to your comment @Alimacbean though: Religion was a way of trying to understand the world before science. Then it got evil.

Like you, I don't hate religion, but I DO hate what 'they' do in the name of it. OK, that might be illogical.


I completely disagree.

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