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Racism STILL exists. My town in WI has people with "don't hate the country pride" stickers on their monstrous loud trucks with Confederate flags attached, speeding down "the strip" on a Saturday night for fun. The KKK had a rally here in 1992. I also see confederate flags people's windows.

When Obama was running for president (first term), I asked my neighbor who he wanted to win. Not Obama, he said. I asked why. He said "I don't want a black president." At 17, my mouth dropped.

When I worked at Goodwill, my co worker friend came into the breakroom and was shaken up because when she was driving into the parking lot and someone yelled the N word at her.

The world is full of hate, ignorance, and discrimination.

vjohnson51 7 Dec 17

Enjoy being online again!

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It's sad, but true that racism is alive. I made a off hand comment about Obama being black is why some people have a problem with him. The customer said that wasn't the reason and went a rant on his way out the door. I struck a nerve and proven correct. It's really sad racism is alive and well in this century. Humanities enlightenment is moving in a slow pace due to religion, hate, etc.

@vjohnson51 It took place at work in a city near where I live. I drive nearly 30 miles one way to work.

@vjohnson51 I know we would been better off with Hilary. Maybe the best man for the job is a woman. Another thing is this backwards country would have a problem with a woman president.


No doubt it is all around us. Suspect first the ones who say, "I am not a racist". Subtle in the North, not subtle in the South. It is not just in the US, it is a human tendency, it is everywhere. We compare, we discriminate, we underestimate, we judge. It is in us. Some allow it to manifest, some manage it well. The goal of life is to make ourselves good human beings - not earn fame, money, property or power. Most think it is easy. It is not. It takes conscious efforts and it takes time.There are easy temptations for not being one.

@vjohnson51 I don't think it can be a governmental, organizational or even social effort. They can create awareness, or pass laws and regulations, make it unethical but you cannot legislate or regulate behaviors.

I see two solutions

  1. Good upbringing
  2. Individual decisions from that point on

Being not a racist at heart is a learned behavior. It is not inborn or also not taught. A person must decide what and who he wants to be. We all are discriminatory by human nature. Our life's successes and failures (including at personal levels) are made of small decisions we make throughout life. It is not one big decision. Each has to decide who we want to be. People think it is easy, I am open minded, I am not racist..... but wait until their daughter brings a black date home for introduction. Being a 'not racist' is not an easy thing to do. It takes courage of convictions, conscious decisions and steps to become that on a regular basis, not just in mind, not just a one-time decision and not just with unconscious behavior.

No doubt religion has been responsible for spreading ignorance and discrimination at large by telling people what they want to hear... God loves you no matter what. God has a plan just for you.. This is telling them they are good and they do not have to change except just accept God, practice religion and keep coming to the church to give money.

If I had a lot of money, I would give most to FFRF, not to a charity, not to other causes but to FFRF. That organization alone can fight most evil in our societies out. Secondly, I would start a Progressive Think Tank devoted to atheist ideas in local, state and federal politics.


Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me Wisconsin is hardly in the heart of the Confederacy. I could be wrong. I did not pay a whole lot of attention in school.

@vjohnson51 I know how it is. I have traveled most of the country playing music. There are rednecks pretty much everywhere.

@vjohnson51 When I moved to Austin in the early 70's it was the one liberal city in the state. What is weird, like Madison, it is also the Capital.


We had a Trump rally here in my town. All seven local Trump supporters showed up. They flew their confederate flags and boasted their Trump shirts....and everyone blinked and missed them as they drove by. Racism is alive and well.....but love will kick its ass back to the stone age. Laugh at these ass maggots and (not like I have to say this but I will) VOTE.

@vjohnson51 Because he's one of them, and even worse,he's a smarter version of one of them. As long as he keeps justifying their bullshit, he can keep fucking them over. Massive tax cuts for the rich, ripping away health care, demolishing our infrastructure (hey, I spelled that right on the first try!) and other important things just don't matter much to them as making black people kneel for the flag, keeping the scary brown people away, trash-talking Muslims and keeping doze homoz under lock and key. And pussy grabbing. They REALLY like that.

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