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It's incredible how self-absorbed Christians can be. Netflix makes a series that graphically depicts a teenage girl killing herself; they stay silent. Netflix makes a cartoon series about preteens that really crosses the line in a pedoish way!... They stay silent. Netflix makes a parody of Jesus being gay; they have a cow! So any other despicable shit Netflix puts out, you barely give a fuck about. But when someone makes fun of your favorite legendary character, that's the cross you're gonna die on? (Pun intended)

Auty89 6 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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It is the doctrine of "Over there"
What is "over there" is nothing to do with me, what is "Over here" impacts on me and so is worth caring about.

Oh what a difference a T makes


Just like Muslims and Muhammad. Funny the similarities between "religions," Or more correctly, THEOCRACY (and the genuine HOPE for theocracy, in THIS country)!!

Yes! It reminded me of Muslims too!

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