Here it is folks, are we going to let them do it to the world?
Study Shows White Evangelicals Want Christian Supremacy, Not “Religious Freedom”
It a bunch of bullshit as usual from Patheos.
In what way is a study concluding that white evangelical fundamentalists should be taken at their own word, bullshit? Particularly considering what movers and shakers they are behind Trumpism and what it's doing to this country?
I'm not saying Patheos is a great source of info, but they cite the sources here, and I see no reason to discount it or be surprised by it.
@mordant I read the article. What I see is the lumping together of what is termed “White evangelicals” into a supposedly homogenous group of rabid, ignorant, hateful supporters of DT.
Just hours ago I was a a funeral at a Baptist Church, crammed with those horrible evangelicals, mostly White. They were my relatives, neighbors and friends, and if I were to make a general categorization I’d describe them as intelligent, warm-hearted, loving, well-informed and educated citizens.
Yes, I live in a conservative area, and yes, most of them probably support Trump. But for the umpteenth time: THEIR VOTE IS NOT DETERMINED BY THEIR RELIGION. Their vote in general has little to do with religion. These so called studies are flawed from the get-go, designed purely to spread hatred and divisiveness and to create an ego-stroking scapegoat.
Pennsylvania went for Trump didn’t it? Do these stupid news sources rail about the ignorant, racist White Catholics in Pennsylvania? No of course not. They know better—no way do they wish to impugn their parents and grandparents, their friends and neighbors.
In the article it is reported that while church people tend to fear the political power of atheists, atheists tend to favor religious freedom for all. That is stupidly twisted into “White Evangelicals want Christian Supremacy, not Religious Freedom”. Can you show where “White Evangelicals” have called for the end to atheism and the establishment of Christian supremacy? Have they engaged in wars with an intent to eliminate atheism? Atheists have engaged in such wars repeatedly. Look at the posts on this very forum. Are there not continuous posts calling for the end of religion? And what about these arrogant, swaggering, condescending “New Atheists” so much in the spotlight? They continuously call for an end to religion. So yes, church people are running scared, and for good reason!
Finally, Donald Trump is not dividing this country nearly so much as the left wing news media is dividing it. He is rather impolite at times, but the guy was legally elected. What I predict is that articles such as this, along with the continuous war by Democrats will ensure his reelection.
And finally, finally, the Black “Evangelicals” I know are no different than the White ones.
@WilliamFleming I, too, have known very sweet, loving, kind people who are evangelicals. Not least my own parents. So it's not my claim that none of them are well meaning and in many ways good people. But I have come to believe they manage this despite, rather than because, of their religion. Trump is a morally corrupt individual, not simply "brash" as my fundamentalist brother styles him. Trump is doing objective damage to the republic. He is abridging human rights. He is unambiguously and indisputably an autocrat and a demagogue. And I'm sorry, but anyone who supports him and excuses him has lost the right to any sort of moral authority or credibility. And yes ... this is equally true if they are Catholic or even atheist. We tend to mention evangelicals, particularly dominionists, as they are one of Trumpism's prime enablers. But no one who supports the that miserable excuse for a human being gets a pass from me.
And please do not feed the persecution complex of evangelicals. Particularly not in the US. Just spare me that. Don't even go there. Their tender sensibilities are just accustomed to zero pushback. They'll survive.
@mordant I think you might have an exaggerated opinion of Trump’s malevolence. If he were as bad as you say he’d have been kicked out of office by now, and through bipartisan efforts.
Not a good subject for the holidays. I hope you are enjoying a great Yuletide.
@WilliamFleming Very nice people on both sides, right? Sounds kind of familiar. Can't quite place it though.
By your logic, Pol Pot or Stalin would have been thrown out of office if they had been evil. Of course they eventually were, as totalitarianism isn't sustainable. The problem is the human suffering in the meantime.
Yeah, merry f'ing Christmas to you too. It's the most wonderful time of the year. Or used to be anyway.