Jewish groups are up in arms at former New York mayor and Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, after he claimed in a recent interview that he is “more of a Jew” than financier and Holocaust survivor George Soros.
No question about it! And while we're at it, I’m sure he’s also more Native American than Sitting Bull. Let’s remember, when you’re a bonafide Trump supporter, all you have to do is simply say something, and it magically becomes true.
Anyway, sounds to me like crazy Rudy may have forgotten to refill his prescriptions again. Well, Trump is right about one thing, no low-flow toilet is gonna be able to flush away all this nonsense Rudy’s been spewing - with only one flush.
About the only way I can explain insane behavior like this is by assuming Rudy is aware he’s in some serious legal trouble, so he’s hoping acting like this will allow him to exchange that future orange jumpsuit in for a white straight-jacket. Either that, or he has a very serious head injury. Either way, I think this explains why Rudy’s the perfect choice to be Trump’s personal attorney.